King Rollo and Fraser Harper Live Video stream
Year: 2024
Sub heading here
My Dad always said “don’t give up your day job, son!”
So, this space is for sharing some thoughts and philosophies.
Year: 2024
Welcome to my revised website
Welcome to my revised website which was launched today on 20th June 2024, just in time for the summer solstice.
They Want It All Back
Many friends in my circle are, like (to use the modern parlance) hey, chill out… stay kool, think higher thoughts,...
Rollo & Fraser – Freight Train
A bit of video from Fraser & Rollo busking at Southsea Seafront
Call To Action
CALL TO ACTION By order of the International Law of Nations, European Charter of Human Rights, the United Nations...
The All
The All The thing that ‘is’ is neither this nor that but is both this and that at the same time. That is the mystery...
The People Are All One
NOTICE : In that the Queen's Coronation Oath is continually abrogated by members her own government it is hard to...
Music played an important part of Rollo's life since schooldays. Mostly playing MOR music in pubs and clubs. Until one...
Hello world!
It's an Audio-Visual World